Wednesday, May 10, 2017

KC Soccer Tournament

Peyton's soccer team went to KC a few weekends ago for a tournament.  We didn't come home the tournament champs, but she had a ton of fun!  Out of town tournaments are always fun.....when you get to ransack the hotel with your teammates and eat out all weekend, what's not to love?!?!

We did squeeze in a quick visit with the Kiewiets one of the days, in-between games.  Their house was 2 miles away form where we were staying....what are the odds??

Jack had a tennis tournament the same weekend, so Mike and the other two stayed behind in St. Louis.  Good thing they did!  Jack was his tournament and beat a kid by the name of TJ, which is a SUPER strong competitor....Jack was PUMPED!!!  That tournament victory also graduated Jack out of orange ball....onto green ball he goes......

Yoga, with Coach Tom....

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Mike and I were able to get away for 5 days to head to Jamaica to see Dantzler get married.  The kids were not ever disappointed to see us go, if it meant Grandma Jeanne was in charge for 5 days.

The weather was good, the wedding was nice, the resort was good.....the trip was GOOD!  The only thing that was less than superb was having to connect flights to get to and from Montego Bay.  St. Louis didn't have any direct flights to and from, which makes the day of travel seem very LONG!

 We had to take a picture of the big chess board from Jack!