Saturday, September 15, 2018

Not so sure about this full day kindergarten thing...

Maddie is now well aware that some of her classmates go to school half days.  She wants to go half days now too so that she can still have her weekly playdates with her girlfriends.  When I told her that she doesn't get to do half days because she is one of the oldest in the class, she proceeded to tell me all the kids that were old in the class AND taking half days.  OOPS!!  She's quicker than me!!!  But, full day it is still!!
Maddie and Molly have still been managing to squeeze in a few playdates even WITH full day kindergarten.

Maddie goes to KINDERGARTEN

This girl is ready to make her mark and move mountains....and joining her siblings at StP. I don’t know if kindergarten is ready for her, but she’s ready for kindergarten!!  
For me, well I don’t know yet. It’s a new world for me to navigate now too. Have had a kid home with me for 12 years!!!.....If Maddie can take it on with confidence, I will too!!  

Peyton CYC pre season tournament

CHAMPS!!  They went undefeated in the pre-season tournament.  Fun little group to watch!!

My Wild Child

This one if the life of the party!!!