Saturday, December 1, 2018

Could have made money on America's Funniest Videos

The day Mike and Jess decided to move a couch (with recliners in it, so kind of heavy) to the basement.

We bought new couches for the upstairs so we were moving the old couches downstairs.  We decided it was going to be easier to go around the outside instead of taking the door off to make the turn into the basement.

We started going down the little hill on the side of the house, the hill that is shaded by the house, so never gets any sun.  And during the week that Mike was water the yard everyday because he had just had it seeded. know where this is going.  As I started telling Mike, "Im slipping......" was too late.  My feet flew out from under me, I couldn't catch my fall with my hands or I would drop the couch on myself, but in the end.....I dropped the couch on my foot anyway, as I busted by tail on the ground.  Quite the day.

I came inside, foot on fire, and started getting myself cleaned up from my muddy mess, as we had to leave in 10 minutes for Jack's volleyball game.  So, Mike yells to Peyton, "Get your shoes on, I need you to help me get this couch in the house."  Peyton says what shoes should I wear?.....My response, "YOUR SOCCER CLEATS!!!"  

The two of them got it in the house.......

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