Thursday, July 16, 2020

Jess Takes Up Golfing.....

Well, during quarantine, Jack and I were able to still play a little tennis with Karim at his neighborhood courts, but other than that, we had no other "sports" to do.  The golf course was open, I decided to take a few golf lessons and try to start figuring out this, oh so frustrating, sport!!!  I then got talked into playing in the Tuesday night Ladies League.  Sounds way more official than it is!!  We are all pretty bad, sometimes we finish nine holes and sometimes we don't, we play best ball, and count it success if we play a hole without losing a ball.  
It's been fun, and something that I will never have time to do again, once the kids get back in the swing of their things, but it's been a fun time filler for now......

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