Saturday, October 27, 2012

Jack's first "real" play date

Jack has his first friend from school over this week.  He wanted Will to come over and play.  Will has two older brothers, so he knows ALL ABOUT Star Wars.....Jack's kind of man!  I picked the two boys up from pre school and we headed to Jack's house.  Both boys were so excited in the car.  It was really cute, and I was happy for Jack that he finally got to have his own play date, not just play with whoever Peyton had over.

The boys played soccer outside, Star Wars figures, light sabers, and Star Wars on the Wii.  They had a great time, and unlike girls, they did't even fight one time!!!  We took will with us back up to school when we went to pick up Peyton.  His mom was there picking up Will's older brothers so we dropped him off to her.  I'd say Will will be coming over to play again soon.

First play date.....SUCCESS!!!

playing soccer....I think Will just made a diving stop!

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