Friday, June 28, 2013

Mike's vacation week

Well vacation week wasn't so much of a "vacation."  We closed on our new house on Monday and worked there almost every day.  We did get a lot accomplished, but it wasn't really a "relaxing" vacation.  Not complaining tho.....I'm certainly happy to have a new house with MORE SPACE!

We did manage to squeeze a few fun things in there too!  Here are some pictures from the week we had with Mike.

Jack and Peyton LOVED feeding the fish
everyday at the new house

Maddie enjoying having breakfast with her Dad!  He's never here
for breakfast unless he's on vacation


Taking a break from unpacking for some tree climbing

Go Cart Riding at Incredible Pizza

She stands when she drives....ha!

Even Maddie likes Incredible Pizza

Yeeee Haw!  Being a good big brother

Some backyard fun

Mommy and Daddy get a babysitter and go to Six Flags with
Alison and Travis.  Roller Coaster aren't nearly as fun as "adults"

Maddie TRULY learns to walk and crawl!!!  All at the same time,
as I expected!

The coloring is bad, but PawPaw Friedman and Ilene give
Peyton some nice hair dye

Peyton crying the backseat because she was missing Grandma Jeanne
The kids spent a lot of time there while Mike and I unpacked.  Peyton
was having Grandma withdraw before we even got to the highway.

And for the last hurrah of the week.....a little backyard swimming at the farm.  

Jack's big "thumbs up" got right in the middle
of his face

trying to give Maddie a little shade


a noodle for a Noodle

always being silly

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